E-commerce in Poland - how did it develop?

21 July, 2022 |

The e-commerce market in Poland is developing very well. Most Poles regularly buy various products via the Internet. No wonder – online shopping is cheap, fast, convenient and also safe. This way of selling your products is beneficial not only for customers, but also for sellers and producers. The possibility of offering your goods via the Internet means considerable savings. You can forgo in-store stores, live customer service employees, and other costly expenses. E-commerce often takes place directly from the warehouse or even from the seller’s apartment (for smaller businesses).

E-commerce in Poland

What is e-commerce? This is online sales, which can be done in several ways:

  • brand online store;
  • participation in a larger site, such as an auction site;
  • advertisements on the Internet;
  • a different way of contacting the customer and advertising your goods.

Aside from the obvious advantages to this type of trading, there are also a few downsides worth mentioning. E-commerce requires the shipment of items ordered by customers. In addition to the cost of shipping and the need to organize it (for example, ordering a courier), the seller must also properly pack the product for sale. Fortunately, the development of packaging for the e-commerce industry allows you to significantly improve the packaging process and make it done at a low cost.

History of e-commerce in Poland

The beginnings of net trading date back to the times when the Internet was becoming more and more popular. At the beginning of the 21st century, quite a lot of people had access to the Internet, others could use one of the many Internet cafes scattered throughout Poland. The popularity of the Internet was immediately taken advantage of by many retailers who started selling their products in this way.

Initially, however, it was not as convenient as it is today. Courier services were quite expensive 20 years ago, and no one had yet come up with the idea of ​​sending and receiving parcels through parcel lockers. They had to pack their products themselves, and many sellers had to take the packaged orders to post offices. Searching for clients took place in many places, including discussion forums, chats or IRC channels. The first websites and sales platforms were just beginning to develop. It was related to a relatively low level of security – buyers often feared whether they would receive a packed brick or a sack of potatoes instead of the purchased goods (such stories then circulated on the Internet).

Online shopping – safe, fast, convenient

Over time, the online trading market has changed significantly, convenient online payments have appeared on it. Services connecting customers with sellers ensured more and more security, and the dissemination of the rating system eliminated a large part of dishonest sellers.

The entire e-commerce packaging industry has also changed significantly in recent years. Today, the packaging process is quick and pleasant, and the available packaging is tailored, aesthetic and has the right dimensions.

In order for the packaging process to run as smoothly as possible and the package to reach the addressee in the best possible condition, sellers use various types of useful packaging items, including packaging tapes, package fillers, bubble wrap or zip-up bags. A well-packed package will not only avoid complaints about the purchased goods. It is also advertising space that many retailers use in creative ways. Neat packaging for the time of shipment is also good for the seller.

Convenience of online shopping

The high level of convenience is one of the greatest strengths of e-commerce. Thanks to modern sales platforms and online stores, as well as instant shipping, customers receive the purchased goods even the next day after ordering. The choice of products is also very pleasant and fast. You can quickly compare the offers of various stores without leaving your home.

Shopping over the Internet often does not give the opportunity to carefully see and touch the purchased product. Some compensation for this, however, are numerous reviews of almost every seller and products offered in the network. They can be easily searched, and the ratings are useful because they allow you to get to know the opinion of many existing users.

Online trade – a quick way to shop

The e-commerce industry has grown in an amazing way. Today, even products purchased from a seller from the other side of the world may appear in our home after a few days. Purchases from Polish stores are usually carried out on an ongoing basis and appear at the buyer’s home within several dozen hours.

Several factors are responsible for the speed of online shopping. Automated systems supporting online stores significantly reduce the time of receipt and order fulfillment. Immediately after the purchase, the seller learns who bought the product and how it should be shipped. Then you just need to pack the order and wait for the courier to arrive (or send it in a different way). An efficient online payment system is also important. Information about a correctly performed payment reaches the seller in a few moments, thanks to which the waiting time for the execution of the order is reduced to a minimum.

Online shopping is so efficient also thanks to the extensive sorting system and the very fast transport of parcels. Unfortunately, this can often involve loading and unloading courier vehicles multiple times. The answer to this are high-class shipping packaging that can withstand even bad treatment. The product is packed in a solid cardboard box, additionally protected against falls, will certainly reach the buyer in perfect condition,

Security of online shopping

E-commerce is very safe today. Several factors affect the protection of the buyer and the products themselves. Many years ago, Polish law adjusted to the increasing share of the e-commerce industry in trade. Clients have been granted a number of rights that allow them to forget about possible risks. Any product purchased remotely can be easily returned within a certain period. For this reason, some sellers decide to use special packaging.

I am talking about envelopes and boxes with a double adhesive strip. One is used by the seller to pack the shipment. If the customer wants to return the product, he can easily seal the once opened cardboard box with an additional adhesive strip. It is not only a very efficient and ecological solution. It testifies very well to the seller who thus makes a nod to the customer’s convenience.

E-commerce industry

The security measures offered by an increasing number of online stores and auction portals are also important. The buyer has various types of security for his funds. Thanks to this, he can get the money back if the transaction did not go smoothly.

Mail order sale – how to pack the goods well for the time of shipment?

The popularization of e-commerce in Poland has made it necessary to use many shipping packages. In order for the product ordered via the Internet to reach the buyer in good condition, it is necessary to ensure that it is properly packed. E-commerce shipping packaging serves as protection against damage, but it is also a showcase of the seller himself. Therefore, it is worth choosing not only durable packaging that will withstand the hardships of travel, but also aesthetic.

Among the shipping packaging, cardboard boxes are undoubtedly the most popular. They come in countless types, sizes, shapes and colors. Some of them are very clever packaging, they allow you to prepare a shipment in a few seconds. In recent years, automatic boxes, among others, have become very popular. They have a built-in strip with strong glue, so you do not need to use tape, glue or scissors to close them. Although they are a bit more expensive than ordinary cardboard boxes, they save a lot of time.

Products packed in cardboard or cardboard boxes should be additionally secured. This applies in particular to sensitive goods as well as more valuable ones. In order to protect the goods in the best possible way, empty spaces in the carton should be filled with package filler. These are ecological, paper or wooden shavings that perfectly absorb all shocks. An additional advantage is their great appearance. They come in many colors, and the use of one of them will surely make the buyer smile when unpacking the package. Colorful package fillers can be matched to the company’s color scheme, to a given product or occasion (e.g. when shipping products before Christmas).

Wrapping the product in a layer of bubble wrap is also a good choice. In addition to impact protection, the foil also protects against moisture and also has thermal insulation properties.

Smaller items that do not require very much protection can be shipped with bubble envelopes. These are neat packaging that combines the features of ordinary envelopes and bubble wrap. The latter is built into the inner part of the envelope. Bubble envelopes come in many sizes and shapes. Metallized bubble envelopes are among the most robust shipping packaging. The metal layer gives them stiffness and a unique appearance – they are colorful and shiny!

Previous years of the e-commerce industry in Poland – record results

Since the beginning of the e-commerce industry in the late 1990s, we have continuously improved the profits of this industry. The two previous years are record-breaking. Due to the epidemiological situation and the restrictions applied by the Polish government, online shopping has gained significantly compared to traditional, stationary trade.

Shipment of goods is very simple

During the coronavirus pandemic, many retailers online are enjoying record results. However, the huge number of shipments poses a certain threat to the environment. Therefore, it is worth taking care of using the most ecological shipping packaging possible. When used many times and given for recycling, online shopping is environmentally friendly.

The future of e-commerce in Poland and in the world

Both in Poland and around the world, trade over the Internet has been developing very quickly in recent years. Online services are becoming safer and more buyer-friendly. Almost everyone has a device in their pocket with which they can make purchases quickly. Sellers and buyers can make transactions very quickly and efficiently, practically without leaving home.

The development of transport and courier services is also important. The biggest novelty in this case are parcel lockers, which allow you to send and collect parcels at any time throughout the year. The packaging manufacturers’ response to the growing popularity of parcel machines are boxes for parcel machines. They have the right dimensions (A, B, C), which allows you to reduce shipping costs.

E-commerce in Poland will certainly not slow down in the coming years, as evidenced by the constantly growing number of online stores. Some data show that every day as many as 30 new online stores are opened in Poland!